
Queenie Smith And The Vibrators Of Doom Girls Kissing Girls, #17【電子書籍】[ Lee Cushing ]





<p>Queenie Smith was still working a police detective when she met Julie Sheridan. She still had not come out as gay and was engaged to a fellow police officer. As her relationship with Julie grew, she began to fall in love with Julie and, after sleeping with her new lover, she came out and declared her love.</p> <p>She had been with Julie for three years during which their passion and love for each other only got stronger, eventually moving in together. Resigning from the police force, Queenie became a member of the Lesbian Defence League, an organistion set up to protect the lesbian community from threats and hate.</p> <p>Rapidly becoming one of the top agents for the LDL, Queenie's dedicatation to protecting the rights and safety of lesbians everywhere from those who were open with their sexual orientation to those who had not yet come out.</p> <p>Informed that an hate group had replaced vibrators with explosives designed to kill or maim the lesbian community, she races against the insiduous plot to eradiscate the lesbian community forever.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:650円
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